I would have to say Guild wars is the best so far of all the games of this type I have played, although it is weak in some areas.
First impressions
The Elder scrolls series like morrowind score high in some areas, Skills generally where very good as was the experience gained by skill use.
Visit any town however to see the same dozen characters doing exactly the same thing day or night rain or shine.
Also characters that appeared in areas to start quests remained in that spot for the whole game that's a big turn off.
Gothic improved a little by adding a timeline where the Ai did different "but predictable" things depending on the time of day.
I don't seem as affected by this in GW because in the towns there are so many players wandering around each visit is slightly different.
Outside the ai predictability is more apparent the friendlies are totally predictable the hostiles are generally predictable as in where you find them though not totally.
Damage to armour and weapons due to usage, this is a difficult one as almost all of them are magical, just how often did Arthur have Excalibur resharpened.
The more you add damage the more realistic the game becomes and the less magical.
Weather effects and day night cycle
Since the game treats Weather as purely cosmetic it,s more or less irrelevant.
To be truly immersive both would have to be realistic.
First at least 2 seasons would be set up and a day night cycle that lasted a specific time although you could vary daylight to season like our world.
In some areas weather would be predictable ie always sunny in the desert always cold in the northern shiverpeaks etc.
Snow and rainfall would vary with season so it wouldn't always be falling from month to month.
Day Night cycle is the hardest to do right, maybe its impossible to implement.
Make a day last an hour like most such games and its silly in the extreme, make it last 8 hours and you have to allow players to set their own game time zone otherwise some would always be playing in the dark.
reality additions I would like to see.
Drops from creatures, it would be nice for a bow wielding enemy to drop a bow not a scythe so such drops broken or not should be correct for creature type/class.
Walk as well as run and for health energy recovery rates to vary depending on standing walking running.
Any class to be able to use any weapon or armour however the skill boosts to such weapons and armour to remain with the classes.
A working economy
Now I don't care if its driven by players but its important it isn't easily broken by players.
The Ai traders should have the ability to balance out the players actions, they should be able to flood the market or hoard their stockpiles as needed.
It would be good if there was a workable lore to the game perhaps this could lead players to abilities not normally done by players.
A beast lore could give you tracking information or which creature will drop what.
Trap Chest Weapon Scroll and many others could be interesting to follow as could strange and arcane lore's.
Each class should be the master in one specific area and this should be based on their prime ability.
While not making them essential to a specific task it should make them the preferred choice.